NEWS / EXHIBITION - 2018.4.26半透明の彫刻で知られる スゥ・ドーホーの大規模個展が 十和田市で開催。新作を初公開展示風景 撮影=⼩⼭⽥邦哉Courtesy the artist, Lehmann Maupin, New York, Hong Kong and Seoul and Victoria Miro, London/Veniceスゥ・ドーホー Hub, 3rd Floor, Union Wharf, 23 Wenlock Road, London N1 7ST, UK Photo by Taegsu Jeon Courtesy the artist, Lehmann Maupin, New York, Hong Kong and Seoul and Victoria Miro, London/Venice(参考画像) 展示風景より《My Home/s and Passage/s: Towada Version》(2018) 撮影=⼩⼭⽥邦哉 Courtesy the artist, Lehmann Maupin, New York, Hong Kong and Seoul and Victoria Miro, London/Veniceスゥ・ドーホー コーズ・アンド・エフェクト 2008 Photo by Mami Iwasaki Courtesy the Artist and Lehmann Maupin Gallery, New York and Hong Kongスゥ・ドーホー My Home/s 2017 Courtesy the artist, Lehmann Maupin, New York, Hong Kong and Seoul and Victoria Miro, London/Venice2 / 5 記事にもどる 編集部