ジェフ・クーンズのキャリア最初の20年に注目。「JEFF KOONS:1979-1999」展が香港で開催へ

ジェフ・クーンズ Michael Jackson and Bubbles 1988
© Jeff Koons. Photo by Douglas M. Parker Studios、ロサンゼルス
Jeff Koons with Inflatable Flowers (Tall Orange, Tall Purple) from 1979, taken in his studio, located at 523 Broadway in New York, in 1984 © Jeff Koons, Photo © Peter Bellamy
ジェフ・クーンズ Inflatable Flowers (Tall Purple, Tall Orange) 1979 © Jeff Koons
ジェフ・クーンズ One Ball Total Equilibrium Tank (Spalding Dr. J 241 Series) 1985 © Jeff Koons
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