NEWS / EXHIBITION - 2020.11.12


奈良美智 I’m Swaying in the Air 1995 (c)Yoshitomo Nara Photo by Keizo KIOKU

川内理香子 Forest of the night 2019 (c)Rikako Kawauchi Courtesy of WAITINGROOM  Photo by Shintaro Yamanaka (Qsyum!)

奈良美智 Slash with a Knife 1998 (c)Yoshitomo Nara Photo by Keizo KIOKU

会田誠 ちび(「ランチボックス・ペインティング」シリーズ) 2016 (c)AIDA Makoto Courtesy of Mizuma Art Gallery  Photo by 宮島径

大山エンリコイサム FFIGURATI #162 2017 (c)Enrico Isamu Oyama Photo by Shu Nakagawa

梅沢和木 ジェノサイドの筆跡 2009 Courtesy of CASHI

BIEN Day For Night 2019 Courtesy of Department of Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices,Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts Photo by Masataka Tanaka

奈良美智 悟空 1987 (c)Yoshitomo Nara Photo by Keizo KIOKU

奈良美智 If Your Hits All Miss 2000 (c)Yoshitomo Nara  Photo by Keizo KIOKU

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