
Fallen [still] 2011
Courtesy of the Artist
Subtext - after Kawara's Title, 1965 2019
Installation view at Van Every/Smith Galleries of Davidson College, NC, USA, 2019
Photo: Gordon Ramsey
Courtesy of the Artist
(Re)Collection of Togetherness—stage13 2024,ongoing since 2007
Photo: Marisa Srijunpleang
Courtesy of the Jim Thompson Art Center for the exhibition Nomadic
Memory is Frail (and Truth Brittle) [detail] 2019
Courtesy of the Artist
Make Your Own Passport, ongoing since 2014
Thingstigate Public Launch at Vetenksapsfestivalen/Gothenburg Science Festival 2023
Photo: Per Larsson
Make Your Own Passport, ongoing since 2014
Thingstigate Public Launch at Vetenksapsfestivalen/Gothenburg Science Festival 2023
Photo: Per Larsson
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