NEWS / EXHIBITION - 2020.9.29「米谷健+ジュリア展 だから私は救われたい」が角川武蔵野ミュージアムで開催。日本では初の大規模個展米谷健+ジュリア クリスタルパレス 2012- (C)Ken + Julia Yonetani Courtesy of the Artists and Mizuma Art Gallery米谷健+ジュリア (C)Ken + Julia Yonetani Courtesy of the Artists and Mizuma Art Gallery最後の晩餐 2014 (C)Ken + Julia Yonetani Courtesy of the Artists and Mizuma Art Gallery大蜘蛛伝説 2018 (C)Ken + Julia Yonetani Courtesy of the Artists and Mizuma Art GalleryDysbiotica 2020 (C)Ken + Julia Yonetani Courtesy of the Artists and Mizuma Art Gallery5 / 5 記事にもどる 編集部