REVIEW - 2019.10.21視覚世界と表象を越えた先。伊勢周平評石塚嘉宏+村田啓「Shapeshifter」展 展示風景より Courtesy of the artist and Kodama Gallery展示風景より 手前に並ぶ彫刻作品は石塚嘉宏による《Objects(wood + metal)》(2019) 壁掛けの写真作品は村田啓の《slits(Lou/Miu)#1》(2019) Courtesy of the artist and Kodama Gallery展示風景より、石塚嘉宏《Objects(wood + metal)》部分(2019) Courtesy of the artist and Kodama Gallery展示風景より、石塚嘉宏《Objects(wood + metal)》部分(2019) Courtesy of the artist and Kodama Gallery村田啓 candles 2019 Courtesy of the artist and Kodama Gallery村田啓 slits(Lou/Miu)#1 2019 Courtesy of the artist and Kodama Gallery展示風景より、石塚嘉宏《Objects(wood + metal)》(2019) Courtesy of the artist and Kodama Gallery村田啓 conifer 2019 Courtesy of the artist and Kodama Gallery8 / 8 記事にもどる 編集部