スーパーオーガニズムは、電気仕掛けの人間の夢を見るか? 石谷治寛評「岡山芸術交流2019『IF THE SNAKE もし蛇が』」
Photo by Ola Rindal Courtesy of the artist, Karma International, Miguel Abreu Gallery and Sprüth Magers
反転資本(1971年〜4936年)、無人、シーズン2、エピソード2 2019
Photo by Ola Rindal Courtesy of the artists
Photo by Ola Rindal Courtesy of the artist, TARO NASU, Marian Goodman Gallery and Houser and Wirth (c)Kamitani Lab / Kyoto
2019 撮影=石谷治寛
Photo by Ola Rindal Courtesy of the artist, Thomas Dane Gallery and Simon Preston Gallery/Courtesy of the artist, Karma International, Miguel Abreu Gallery and Sprüth Magers
Photo by Ola Rindal Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery, Marian Goodman Gallery
Photo by Ola Rindal Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Chantal Crousel
下が《 ニュー・ヒューマンズ》(2019)
Photo by Ola Rindal Courtesy of the artists and TARO NASU /Courtesy of the artist, Ishikawa Foundation, Okayama and TARO NASU
キャラクター、アン・リー 撮影=石谷治寛
Courtesy of the artist, Pilar Corrias and Gladstone Gallery
Photo by Ola Rindal Courtesy of the artists
Photo by Victor Zebo Courtesy of the artist
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