言語的な距離と、空間的な距離。勝俣涼評「国谷隆志 Mix and Match」展

「Mix and Match」展展示風景
(c)Takashi Kunitani Courtesy of Ulterior Gallery, NY
Mix and Match (Corona #4) 2023 Stained glass, wood, aluminum board, 6 Pack Cardboard Beer Bottle Carrier 42.2×27.9×4.6cm (c)Takashi Kunitani Courtesy of Ulterior Gallery, NY
Mix and Match (MADE IN JAPAN) 2023 Stained glass, wood, engraving on aluminum board 42.2×27.9×4.6cm (c)Takashi Kunitani Courtesy of Ulterior Gallery, NY

Untitled: ¥ € $ £ 2023 neon tubing, glass, steel, transformer, and cord 150×76.2×35cm (c)Takashi Kunitani Courtesy of Ulterior Gallery, NY
《Untitled: ¥ € $ £》(2023)の展示風景
(c)Takashi Kunitani Courtesy of Ulterior Gallery, NY
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